Repetition: Over and over and over…


For long, I have highlighted repetition and have never really delved into the topic, for what seems to have plagued my worked. It is clearly evident that repetition plays a key role in my explorations thus far (aside from the use of paper). Repetition can evoke interest in work if the arrangment of reoccurring forms, text, line and images are composed in such a way that lures the viewer to witness the complexity within these formations (see The Opt Art Angel).

As I look back at what I had constructed, I realised I was revealing the versatility of sheets of paper of the same form and constructing a pattern and rhythm of movement within. Could ‘repetition’ ease (in this case, quicken) the process of paper use in motion and gain more? Repetition in itself can become tedious but it is a matter of preparation and patience that counts. There is potential in use of

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